
The Importance of the Graduation Ceremony copy

It is a much revered ritual in educational institutions everywhere. At the end of every school year, graduating students, whether they’re little kids in grade school or young adults in college, walk solemnly towards the stage elegantly garbed in their robes and tassels. One cannot underestimate the significance of such a moment as every student’s journey towards graduation is filled with all sorts of trials and challenges, say the tutors of AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center.


However, graduation is not so much an ending but a new beginning. For grade school students, graduation is the beginning of their adolescent adventures as they let go of their parents’ embrace and test their wings in high school. For high school students, graduation is the beginning of their journey to self-discovery as they unravel what it is that they really want out of life in college. For college students, graduation is the beginning of their “real” lives as they fly out from the warmth and comfort of the university. Graduation is significant for parents as well; their children’s achievements are theirs as well.


It is thus fitting, say the tutors of AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center, for families to honor this momentous occasion appropriately. There is no need for a grand celebration but a quiet get-together with family and friends to give honor to the graduate’s accomplishment is highly recommended.


Congratulations to the graduates of 2013!