

Yes, there are only 24 hours in one day. However, if you know how to make full use of those 24 hours, you will have more time to do the things you love. Start the year right by managing your time effectively. Having good time management skills is vital to keep you on track at work and at home. Here are some tricks and tips to help you make full use of every hour.

1. Set goals. Give every day a purpose. When you know what you have to do or where you need to go, you won’t waste time on unnecessary things.

2. Prioritize tasks. You may have a multitude of responsibilities, but you can work on tasks strategically by knowing your priorities. Having a “to-do” list is okay, but what’s better is ranking your list based on each item’s importance.

3. Make a list. Think of your list as your brain buddy. You don’t have to waste time remembering stuff, making every hour more productive.

4. Work on your schedule. By creating a robust schedule that reflects your priorities and personal goals, you’ll be able to achieve a healthy work-life balance. This also safeguards you from unnecessary and unwanted stress.

5. Practice breathing techniques. This allows you to de-stress and focus on what’s important. Breathing properly also helps you deal with situations calmly.

6. Put order on your stuff. If you’re always losing things, then you’re wasting time looking for them. If things are in order, like your files, it saves you valuable time. Have a proper place for everything!

7. Maximize systems. Make your life more efficient by applying systems that are already available. If there are productive apps you can use to make your life easier, then start utilizing them. If there are daily routines you are used to, then stick to them.

8. Do the ‘ugliest’ things first. This rule also applies to studying: work on the hardest subject first and then move on to the easiest. It will be a breeze from there.

9. Understand your time rhythm. When is your peak time versus your dead time? When are you most productive? Channeling your energy and activities to when you are most productive during the day yields more results than when you work on activities at the time you feel least inspired.

10. Set your watch earlier. It’s like cheating time and controlling it. It gives you leeway to breathe and not feel rushed when doing things.

AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center President Rossana Llenado will be headlining a series of time management workshops this year. We’ll give you more details soon!