
One of the significant features of the K to 12 system is the integration of specialized tracks designed to help students in determining their respective career paths. These four tracks—academic, technical-vocational, sports, and arts and design—are aimed at enhancing a student’s ability based on what he wants to do after graduation.

The technical-vocational, sports, and arts and design tracks will allow students to join the workforce immediately upon graduation while the academic track prepares students for further studies.

The academic track consists of courses that will make college life easier to adjust to in terms of subject variety and, to a certain degree, difficulty. This does not mean, however, that if you take the other tracks, you cannot go to college. If a student chose the arts and design track, for instance, nothing is stopping him from taking up Fine Arts or Interior Design in college instead of working right away. It would still depend on the student. The academic track is simply the track that prepares students for the most common college courses such as business management, engineering, and the sciences.

Upon choosing the academic track, students can choose from four different strands: General Academic; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics; Accountancy, Business, and Management; and Humanities and Social Sciences. Students may choose their strand in the same way that they decide a course in college. Aside from the 15 core subjects, these strands will add 16 subjects composed of different contextualized and specialized subjects based on the track and strand that will be spread out in grades 11 and 12.

The academic track is the most familiar one because students usually apply to colleges upon graduation from high school. The only difference is that the subjects are now highly specific and specialized. These are but some of the changes brought about by the K to 12 system.