He knows his A-B-C’s, can count to over a hundred, and read some of his storybooks. He can tie his own shoelaces, bathe himself, and even make his bed in the morning. He’s growing up fast and displaying many signs of independence. So is he ready for big school?
If your child has almost outgrown his nursery classes, then perhaps it’s time to consider sending him to big school for the next school year. AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center, the best tutorial and review center in the country, can help your toddler get ready for the challenges of grade school admissions tests through its Bridge Program. The Bridge Program’s Kinder Review is a 15-hour comprehensive course designed to help young children prepare for their big school applications through initial and final assessments and review classes on Math, Language Proficiency, Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication. Teacher-guided and take-home review materials are included, along with simulation tests that show your child’s readiness for the actual exam.
Here are other tips on how to give your not-so-little one a head start to elementary school:
- Set a routine. Your child will be able to adapt more easily to the changes in his daily schedule if you will set a daily routine for him in the morning and in the evening. A set routine will not only eliminate stress in your daily morning rituals preparing for the school day, but also ease your child into the typical structured schedule in school.
- Make the most of every teachable moment. Every moment spent with your child is an opportunity to teach him about life. Setting a structured schedule, for example, is an opportunity to teach your child about time, sequences, and order. A playdate with another child is a way to teach your child about being friendly, sharing, and taking turns. These are life skills that will be very helpful when he goes to meet his classmates.
- Talk about school and what its like. School is fun and your child should know about this early on. Tell him stories about how it was like when you first went to school, talk about the fun things he will do in school, and point out the new things he will experience in school. Setting up a positive outlook on school establishes not only a love for school but also an encouraging environment for learning.
- Play school. Use pretend play to give your child an idea about what to expect when he goes to school. Act out the various routines in class and take turns being student and teacher. During this time, ask him about his feelings and anxieties, and respond to them in a calm and reassuring manner to alleviate his fears or apprehensions.
- Go on a sneak peek of his new school. Visit your child’s new school to familiarize him with the new surroundings. Show him around and point out the places he’ll go to and the activities he’ll be doing in each one. This will help your child feel more at ease on the first day of school.