

Beyond Scribbles on a Page: How Mind Mapping Boosts Your Studying

    When it comes to studying, traditional note-taking techniques frequently cause students to have trouble recalling key concepts and encounter information overload. A study approach called Mind Mapping can revolutionize the way we...

The Top 5 Best Study Habits For Your Academic Journey

In the pursuit of academic excellence, developing good study habits is of utmost importance. Aside from quality knowledge and skills, incorporating a habit and a routine to your studies can enhance your overall learning experience. With this, here...

Unlocking Your Potential: The Science of Effective Note-Taking for Memory and Learning

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, one timeless practice remains an essential tool for students: note-taking. The art of jotting down information, ideas, and insights has been a cornerstone of learning for generations. But did you know...

Skills that Change Lives for the Better

These past few months have opened our eyes to acknowledge the most basic essentials of our daily lives - us and our health. The world recognizes the noble profession of our health workers who serve as front...

Divided We Fall: Stories of Bad Groupmates during Groupworks

We all know these types. The kind of person who has no discernable word as they always seem to be busy doing everything except their assigned work. Or the type that leaves at the very beginning of the project, does not communicate with the entire...

Winning Study Strategies