For the past 10 minutes, you’ve been reading and re-reading the Math problem assigned by your teacher. As you stare at the blank piece of paper, you get a sense of overwhelming dread.
If you’re experiencing some kind of Math block, then we’ve got the solution for you: Just get going! Write down the relevant numbers on paper, and start doing some calculations—even though you are not absolutely sure that what you are doing is correct.
Look at it as the mental equivalent of taking a walk. When we take a walk, our mind gets refreshed, allowing us to gain a new perspective on things. In the same way, scribbling numbers on paper will allow your mind to play around a little, helping you see a way towards solving that Math problem.
Most students get scared when it comes to attacking Math problems. Right away, they think that the problem is difficult and that they are going to have a hard time. When you let your fears overcome you, solving the problem is going to be a challenge. If you free your mind from thoughts of failure, however, and just start writing things down, sooner or later, your mind will figure things out.