
Asian-family-celebratingDo you find yourself having to go through a voluminous amount of information every day? Are your kids able to keep up with all their homework, book reports, and projects on school days?

Welcome to the information age, where everybody is expected to be updated about every little thing that happens every day, whether he’s a professional or a grade schooler.

That’s why AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center has come up with an exciting one-day seminar that will allow you and your family to use powerful learning tools to train your minds to read faster, remember every detail, and retain more information even months after.

Join us on August 23, 2014, 9AM to 6PM at AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center’s Robinsons Galleria Branch (Level 4 West Wing). It’s a whole day event designed to teach your family two important learning techniques: Smart

Reading and Mind Mapping.

Smart reading is great for kids as it will enable them to read and understand huge amounts of materials, giving them the advantage of having more information about any single topic. Such knowledge would definitely help push their grades up.

For parents, smart reading will get them ahead at work as they will be updated on industry events and happenings faster. Plus, being able to process more information will allow them to make more thoughtful decisions.

Mind mapping is a great study aid. Kids can use mind maps when taking down notes and solving problems. Mind maps are also wonderful when it comes to reviewing for exams; kids tend to remember concepts better when they are rendered on mind maps.

At work, mind mapping will help parents come up with more exciting ideas during brainstorming sessions. It could also assist them in coming up with amazing reports and presentations.

Learning is a fun experience, especially when the whole family’s involved. Sign up for AHEAD’s one day seminar on Smart Reading and Mind Mapping now! For more information, call 426-0034 to 36 or email us at info@ahead.edu.ph.