AHEAD, Fresh News, Smart Test Taking Tips
“#MassTesting is trending these days, but are you ready for the masses of tests coming your way once the quarantine is lifted? Fortunately, we’ve got something to make sure you’ll still be #Ahead. Ever since the 6th of April, we have been...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
How do people define quality education?And most of all, where does it come from?When defining “quality education”, some people say it’s how well their children can recite the multiplication table by memory. Especially in the Philippines, Filipinos...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Planning AHEAD, Smart Test Taking Tips, Winning Study Strategies
In this day and age, even if K-12 offers the promise of getting a good career even without college, studying in a prestigious college is still a good option. This is because college is much more than career preparation, for it is where your attitudes and beliefs will...
AHEAD, Planning AHEAD, Smart Test Taking Tips, Winning Study Strategies
AHEAD Tutorial and Review Center, the leading review center in the Philippines, not only prepares its students for the college entrance tests (CET) by utilizing a test-based review, but by gauging where students are using a diagnostic test based on the actual tests,...