AHEAD, News, Planning AHEAD
New and exciting opportunities have opened up for the education sector as a result of the enhanced community quarantine. This is especially true for the segment comprising the supplementary education industry. This industry is still quite small but it has proven...
AHEAD, Fresh News, Smart Test Taking Tips, Thoughtful Resources
There’s an old adage that goes, “Books and papers don’t bring a student down. It’s the fear of failing that does.”And the fear of failure often comes from the lack of confidence.Seeing how students struggle to study in these unusual times, AHEAD’s president Rossana...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Winning Study Strategies
We all know these types. The kind of person who has no discernable word as they always seem to be busy doing everything except their assigned work. Or the type that leaves at the very beginning of the project, does not communicate with the entire group, and then...