Awesome Pointers, Smart Test Taking Tips
Are you interested in preparing online for language proficiency, reading comprehension, essay writing, and mathematics? Are you also interested in the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and applying for universities abroad? Then you can try out Khan Academy’s Official SAT...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Planning AHEAD
The Enhanced Community Quarantine has effectively shut down all outside activities for a month to protect us from COVID-19. An unfortunate side effect of this, however, is that it also prevented all regular classes from being held. Because of this, tutors and their...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
Due to the community quarantine, students and workers must do remote work. Furthermore, businesses have been encouraged to allow their workers to telework on various platforms. In this article, we will be reviewing platforms that can be used for online conferencing...
Awesome Pointers, Smart Test Taking Tips
As the most spoken language by second-language speakers and the third most spoken language by native speakers (after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish), English has become the most dominant common language or lingua franca in the world. In the Philippines, in particular,...
Awesome Pointers, Fresh News
To all those on the battlefield, We want to thank you for all your efforts in fighting this ghastly virus. If not for your efforts, the rest of us would have died out by now. We would have doomed ourselves to an apocalypse where we would actually have to resort to...