AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog, Winning Study Strategies
Graduation is a day students look forward to for it is a culmination of all one’s efforts after four years college, where they can finally get their diploma and enter the “real world” of work. It is a day of celebration not only for graduates, but...
Awesome Pointers, Blog, Winning Study Strategies
Are you interested in learning a language online in an interactive way? Deutsche Welle, a German public international broadcasting company, released a website and online drama series called Nicos Weg. With Nicos Weg, you can learn German in different situations and do...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog
Some may not see it, but studying alone is the hardest thing to do. Group studies and late-night calls about homework aren’t unheard of, especially for our generation where the entire internet is only a click away. Studying for the college entrance tests by your...
Awesome Pointers, Mommy Memos
Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 or novel coronavirus and the strict quarantine measures imposed, many people have been advised to stay home and avoid large gatherings of people. As a result, in the Metro Manila area, classes have been suspended since March 10,...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog, Fresh News
COVID-19 may be upon us, but there is nothing to fear, for in 2002-2004, the world was hit by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). SARS is caused by another kind of coronavirus, just like its other cousin, MERS-COV. As a result, coronaviruses are nothing new...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Winning Study Strategies
Comprehensive exams are terrifying. After all, it’s also a major exam! It means cramming all that year’s knowledge into your head and spewing it out on the day of the exam. Sometimes, the teacher giving the exam allows you to have a kodigo or a cheat...