AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog
Some may not see it, but studying alone is the hardest thing to do. Group studies and late-night calls about homework aren’t unheard of, especially for our generation where the entire internet is only a click away. Studying for the college entrance tests by your...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog, Fresh News
COVID-19 may be upon us, but there is nothing to fear, for in 2002-2004, the world was hit by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). SARS is caused by another kind of coronavirus, just like its other cousin, MERS-COV. As a result, coronaviruses are nothing new...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog, Thoughtful Resources
Cramming, a word that students are all too familiar with. After all, this word has become synonymous with a lot of output produced by students especially when midterms and finals are just around the corner.It is the act of trying to absorb as much knowledge from...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog
A lot of students in Senior High may shy away from essay-writing, since they perceive it to be difficult. However, it is a life skill which they need in order to succeed in their studies. Despite it being seemingly difficult, it can be manageable.So, here is a guide...