Awesome Pointers, Fresh News
To all those on the battlefield, We want to thank you for all your efforts in fighting this ghastly virus. If not for your efforts, the rest of us would have died out by now. We would have doomed ourselves to an apocalypse where we would actually have to resort to...
AHEAD, Fresh News, Smart Test Taking Tips
With the cancellation of regular classes due to the enhanced community quarantine, one of the alternatives being pursued is to hold classes online. These online learning courses would substitute for regular classes so that students still learn something in spite of...
AHEAD, Fresh News, News, Planning AHEAD
Last Thursday, March 12, the Philippine government officially suspended classes from for a month due to COVID-19. Due to this, schools on the old June-March calendar have ended the school year, while universities on a August-May calendar (ex. UP & Ateneo) have...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog, Fresh News
COVID-19 may be upon us, but there is nothing to fear, for in 2002-2004, the world was hit by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). SARS is caused by another kind of coronavirus, just like its other cousin, MERS-COV. As a result, coronaviruses are nothing new...