
Plan to Plan: Planning AHEAD

by Abigail S. Ong A wise man once said that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Indeed, planning is essential in every success story. For college-bound students, the season for college applications is fast approaching. And with all the possible choices in courses...

Helping the Youth Fulfill their Dreams

High school senior Adrian wants to take up BS Mechanical Engineering in a prestigious university next year. He dreams of becoming an automotive expert. After all, he has always been fond of automobiles. But grown-ups say that if he doesn’t get his grades up, he could...

A New Service Industry Invented

Go to any school zone in Metro Manila today, and you’d surely pass by at least a couple of tutorial and review centers along the way.  In the last three years or so, centers offering tutorial and test review services have gained increasing popularity.  What used to be...

Getting the Youth Ready for the World

Various studies have found out that Filipino students are falling behind their Asian and western counterparts in science and mathematics. Now, students are falling behind even in their old turf, English. There are many “excuses” for this academic meltdown. But then,...

Mogul Moms

People By Joanne Rae M. Ramirez For someone who is at the forefront of one of the country’s leading review and tutorial centers, Rossana Llenado, 34, remembers a time when she would have wanted to be anything but a teacher. But almost two decades later, ironically,...