AHEAD, Fresh News, Smart Test Taking Tips, Thoughtful Resources
There’s an old adage that goes, “Books and papers don’t bring a student down. It’s the fear of failing that does.”And the fear of failure often comes from the lack of confidence.Seeing how students struggle to study in these unusual times, AHEAD’s president Rossana...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources
There are a lot of inevitable situations that we will have to experience in school, and even in life. One of these, and much to the dismay of many students, are group works. From research papers to films, a lot of activities in school require students to form groups...
Awesome Pointers, Fresh News, Thoughtful Resources
Due to the worldwide COVID-19 epidemic, several institutions have temporarily suspended their operations. In several countries and localities, governments have banned large public gatherings in order to promote social distancing. Aside from schools and businesses,...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
Due to the community quarantine, students and workers must do remote work. Furthermore, businesses have been encouraged to allow their workers to telework on various platforms. In this article, we will be reviewing platforms that can be used for online conferencing...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Blog, Thoughtful Resources
Cramming, a word that students are all too familiar with. After all, this word has become synonymous with a lot of output produced by students especially when midterms and finals are just around the corner.It is the act of trying to absorb as much knowledge from...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources
Are we that awful??? How is no one ashamed of this!? Last 2019, the Philippines has just discovered that it is the lowest-ranked in terms of math, reading, and science. If you want to check the article, it’s over here. The Philippine education system’s...