AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
How do people define quality education?And most of all, where does it come from?When defining “quality education”, some people say it’s how well their children can recite the multiplication table by memory. Especially in the Philippines, Filipinos...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
Havruta: An Ancient Form of Study and Tool That Can Help One in Reading Comprehension “Just as a knife can be sharpened only on the side of another, so a disciple of a sage improves [his learning] only through his chaver (companion).” – Rabbi Hama b....
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Planning AHEAD, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
When applying to Ateneo, there are three possibilities, accepted, waitlisted, or rejected. Now, you can find out the results online, but before Ateneo got really serious with data privacy, there used to be a big list in the Blue Eagle Gym, where all the accepted and...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Planning AHEAD, Smart Test Taking Tips, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
It’s a new year, so for some students, its time to take the college entrance tests again, while for others, the school year is nearing its end. As a result, CET review season, which is normally during the summer, is coming closer every day! However, dear...
Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
Ever since the foundation of the first universities in Europe, its staples have been philosophy and theology, for religious universities, and philosophy alone, for secular universities. However, some students think these disciplines are not useful, for they have no...