Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
There’s a test coming soon and you’ve tried everything. However, you still can’t get the lesson. You try to study more but end up failing to learn. That is the reality of student life especially when you have a lot of things on your mind. Here are some tips that...
AHEAD, Fresh News, Thoughtful Resources
By Rossana Llenado as told to Excel V. Dyquiangco from: “I wanted to be so many things growing up – a lawyer, a CPA , an architect, an engineer, even a nun but never a teacher. It’s because I had...
Fresh News, Thoughtful Resources
The good thing about the new year is that you can start all over again. You may have dragged your feet starting your science project or finishing your reading list last year, but the new year gives you another opportunity to begin anew. Here, we list down ten...
Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources
At AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center, the best tutorial and review center, the preparation for next year’s review season is already at hand. That’s because AHEAD’s Materials Development Department is constantly working at improving the materials used for...