AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Planning AHEAD, Smart Test Taking Tips, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
It’s a new year, so for some students, its time to take the college entrance tests again, while for others, the school year is nearing its end. As a result, CET review season, which is normally during the summer, is coming closer every day! However, dear...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Fresh News, Smart Test Taking Tips, Winning Study Strategies
In the past years, AHEAD Tutorial and Review Center, the leading review center in the Philippines, has offered reviews for the major entrance exams, namely the UPCAT, ACET, and DCAT, along with a package review for all these. However, for the new decade, AHEAD has...
AHEAD, Mommy Memos, Planning AHEAD, Winning Study Strategies
Mt. Taal is a volcano which has a nasty history of eruptions. In fact, the 1754 eruption caused entire towns to relocate to new locations, where they remain to this day. So, it’s no surprise that the volume of ash spewed out by the volcano has caused a lot of...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Fresh News, Smart Test Taking Tips, Winning Study Strategies
It’s 2020, so it’s the start of a new decade! This means that the school year is nearing its end, except if your school has shifted calendars. As a result, the time to start reviewing for the College Entrance Tests is upon us again. However, entrance test...
AHEAD, Awesome Pointers, Winning Study Strategies
When it comes to expectations, you’ve probably heard lines like these: “I need to get this grade to get an A!” “Oh my God, if I don’t get this grade, I’ll fail!” “My presentation has to be finished by this time so I can...
Awesome Pointers, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
Ever since the foundation of the first universities in Europe, its staples have been philosophy and theology, for religious universities, and philosophy alone, for secular universities. However, some students think these disciplines are not useful, for they have no...