Video games have become a staple of people’s lives these past few years. Video games have grown in both popularity and prestige over the years and now there’s even talks on making it a legitimate course in college. From League of Legends to Fortnite, there are now a wide variety of games that people, especially children and teenagers, enjoy from either the screen of their computers or on their mobile phones. This has led to the development of friendships among kids when playing games together, much like kids meeting other kids when they play in the playground.
But with this sudden boom in popularity, it seems a lot of kids and teenagers have become addicted to them. This is especially true when it comes to Free to Play online multiplayer games, such as DOTA 2 and now Mobile Legends, where kids can play too much , to the extent that their day-to-day life is affected. To prevent this from happening, here’s how parents can help their kids avoid getting addicted to video games.
Limit Playing Time
I know I know, “Set up limits?! Our kids barely lift their heads when we’re talking to them while playing games!” or “How can I talk to them when they’re always out of the house playing online games on computer shops?” But that’s all the more reason for you to find a suitable time to talk to your kids about playing video games. You need to talk to them in a non-threatening way about the time they spend playing, and how they should balance it with their studies.
When you talk to them in a conversational manner about them overplaying, parents can show that they’re not prohibiting their kids on playing but at least set a specific playing time. Try avoiding playing when tests are coming up or if there’s an important project that needs to be done and needs the child’s full attention. If there are no important projects or if it’s the weekends, then they can play as usual
NOTE: If you are a gamer yourself, please follow these tips as well. It is important to set a good example for the kids as well
Banning as a Last Resort
Playing video games in itself isn’t bad. Video games provide entertainment, develop skills, and helps kids form relationships with one another despite long distances. Despite this, there can be times when playing video games can be detrimental to a child, such as developing an addiction towards a certain game and becoming fixated in “winning” it that the child neglects doing his schoolwork for example. When this happens, it is probably for the best for the parent to actually step in and intervene.
This isn’t you limiting your child’s freedom nor is it you being a “kill-joy”, but when your child suddenly displays toxic behavior and is neglecting their other activities, then it is time to put your foot down on this matter. There are times when playing video games, especially competitive ones, when children can become extremely passionate and emotional about the game. This can lead to them to trash-talk, where they throw insults and vulgar language at one another in-game. If this happens frequently it is best for your child to take a break from the game before it gets any worse.
Everything is Good in Moderation
Video gaming is a leisure activity which everyone enjoys, and it is good, for everyone seeks what is good. However, too much of a good thing can turn bad. So, maintain the proper balance and allow your kids to play if they want to, provided they play in moderation. Just make sure you apply these tips to yourself as well, if you are a gamer as well!