If you want to get better in math, then you’ve got to keep one thing in mind: practice makes excellent.
Aside from absorbing information, one of the best characteristics of the human mind is that it can be trained to retain information. Sometimes, it’s not enough for students to just listen to the teacher and watch him solve math problems on the board. Students should also practice their problem-solving skills during their free time. By practicing regularly, their minds will be trained to analyze problems faster and come up with solutions easier to arrive at the correct answer. They can also conduct regular group study sessions to provide a healthy exchange of techniques and solutions. That way, they become better in math—excellent even!
Another way by which students can step up their game is by enrolling in AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center’s Singapore Math program. Singapore Math is an advanced enrichment program which will help students get a better grasp of math concepts using different thinking tools and methods. The AHEAD Tutorial & Review Center team flew to Singapore and brought home such invaluable knowledge so that Filipino students can be trained to become globally competitive.