

Tips for Test Takers

TIPS FOR TEST TAKERS Follow the instructions on the exam carefully. Listen closely to the examiner. Pro Tip: Pay attention to any last-minute changes or specific instructions given just before the test starts.   Read each question thoroughly...

Five tutoring misconceptions: Debunked!

    In many cases, students are prevented from fully appreciating the value of tutors. These myths may prevent students from accessing the personalized support they need, whether it is a belief that tutors are only for those who struggle with...

The Impact of Studies on Your Professional Career: Unveiling the Key Connections

When it comes to self-improvement, we know a lot of methods. To get fit, you eat right and exercise. To grow in physical strength, you train and lift weights. To improve your memory, you get enough sleep and intentionally learn new things. But what...

A Guide to Excel in College Entrance Exams

Taking college entrance exams are the most critical steps in shaping your academic future as these tests will push you to the limit, to gauge your skills, knowledge, and readiness for college-level responsibilities. Whether you take the UPCAT,...


Students are about to face major adjustments on how learning will be in the new normal. While education service providers were forced to migrate online, many of our countrymen who are used to traditional...

Smart Test-Taking Tips