
Recognizing the active and significant role the youth plays in society, MTV Philippines and Penshoppe recently launched an extensive, nationwide search for five boys and five girls who will best personify the MTV and Penshoppe personality and spirit: young, hip, energetic, creative and fun-loving yet responsible. The project, presented by Cali, is dubbed “MTV and Penshoppe Youth Council.”

As part of their prizes, the winners will be given the opportunity to be VIP hosts at MTV’s events, and if they qualify, could even be roving reporters for MTV. Some of them will also be awarded modeling contracts with Penshoppe and will be the company’s spokespersons.

The MTV and Penshoppe Youth Council Members will be actively involved in various socio-civic programs and youth-oriented and charitable activities during their one-year stint under the guidance and direction of Anne Feo-Maningo, a former Club Pen member. Naturally, there will also be social events and parties to attend.

The search will be conducted in private and public schools in Metro Manila and in key cities in the country.

Who are qualified to join? The search is open to boys and girls aged 14 to 20. They must be bonafide students in high school or college or are actively pursuing studies in DECS-approved programs. They must have decent scholastic records and preferably active in extra-curricular activities. They must possess that MTV and Penshoppe factor, a combination of qualities such as exuberance for life, positive outlook, leadership, creativity, dynamism, concern for others, and a great personality. They can either join personally or be nominated by their classmates, family members, and friends.

Interested parties may submit a fully accomplished MTV and Penshoppe Youth Council application form available at schools, or a bio-data with a three-sentence paragraph stating why the applicant feels he/she or his/her nominee is qualified to be part of the council. These forms must be accompanied by two 5R photographs (one head shot and one full body shot). Application forms must be submitted to MTV & Penshoppe Youth Council Search, P.O. Box 1696, Makati Central Post Office, 1256 Makati City.

They may also drop their application forms in boxes that can be found in participating schools and at Penshoppe stores nationwide or at the big application party/event of the MTV and Penshoppe Youth Council in cooperation with Ahead learning Systems’ “Get Ahead Gimik @ Glorietta” at Glorietta Activity Center on January 26.

Applications will be accepted until February 8. Twenty finalists will be chosen in a selection party on Feb. 15. The search will culminate with the announcement of the 10 winners on February 28.